The Ten Commandments to fly abroad with a dog

Flying a dog abroad: What are the ten commandments of flying a dog abroad? What must be done and what is forbidden in order to accomplish the mission easily. Read the article and get all the information you need to fly a dog abroad.
  1. Do not delay, once you decided to fly with your dog, find out in advance all the requirements of the destination country, preparations in some cases may take several months.
  2. Make a list of all the tasks you need to organize before the trip: a visit to the vet, purchase appropriate equipment, blood tests, relevant certificates and essential equipment.
  3. If you wish to return on a later date, with the animal to Israel, you must take that into account and prepare in advance all the paperwork and required documents for the return to Israel.
  4. If your dog is not in the best medical health, or if he must undergo various treatments or vaccines it is not recommended to postpone it to when you are abroad. When you come to the new country it may take time to adjust to the new area and to find a new local vet you trust. It is recommended to do it before your flight.
  5. Booking a plane ticket: It is recommended to find out before you fly, which airlines flying to your destination country and that they are pet friendly and only then make a reservation for you and your dog. In most airlines, there are limitations on the number of animals which can be in the passenger cabin on the same flight. Therefore you should reserve a place sufficient time in advance.
  6. It is recommended to fly via direct flights and arrive by the shortest possible route.
  7. Familiarize your dog with the flight carrier bag in advance. A dog which will recognize his carrier will feel more comfortable and will be in less panic during the flight.
  8. If you wish to give any sedatives to your dog during the flight, it is highly recommended to try it first at home. If there are any side effects or adverse reactions it is better to know this in prior to the flight.
  9. If your dog is large or heavy you should purchase a carrier which can be dismantled when the dog is not staying in it, and that can be connected to wheels.
  10. If your dog is less than 7 kg and you are interested that he will fly with your in a the passenger cabin, you should find out in advance whether the airline allows it and buy a carrier which is as lightweight as possible to reduce the general weight of the dog and the carrier. In all airlines the final weight determines whether the dog can join you in the passenger compartment. Otherwise he will have to fly in the luggage compartment.
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